Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Wrath of God

"If there is a God, then why doesn't he do something about the evil in the world?" I've heard the question many times, particularly from people who scoff at the idea of God. It is hard to watch the inhumanity in the world. The murders, armed rebellions, drug dealing and sexual abuse can make us sick. Why doesn't he do something?

It's ironic that many of the same scoffers mock at the idea that God might actually do something about evil. There was incredible uproar when some preachers speculated that perhaps the destruction of New Orleans was a judgement of God. "God wouldn't do that...he is too loving." Apparently God isn't supposed to do the Sodom and Gomorrah thing anymore. He's supposed to be positive and uplifting all the time, and at the same time "do something" about the wickedness in the world.

I'm not sure whether the hurricane was one of those sad things that happens or if it was the judgement of God. I do know that we are going to learn a lot about God over the next weeks as we dust off the concept of "The Wrath of God" that is found in the next section of Romans (Chapter 1:18-32). Personally, I believe that as we do, we are going to be transfixed by the awesomeness of the God we serve.

Join us for this incredible study of God's character!

Pastor Karl

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Call to Prayer

Over the last several years we have seen God do some pretty incredible things. As I have ponder the "whys" of this, the conclusion that I have come to is that as a church we have really gotten serious about following His leading, regardless of where that takes us. An example of this is the literal weeks that we have spent in prayer.

Over the last months as we have been busy with the necessary work of construction, I have been sensing that we need to return to our "first work" of prayer. We have also seen a number of indications that the enemy has increased his attacks upon the leadership of the church. Key people have suffered a number of injuries and illnesses that are far beyond what might be explained via random chance. In addition, we are entering into a season of ministry and planning for ministry that will impact our church for some time. We need to seek God both alone and together so that we can make sure that we are in step with what the Lord wants us to be doing.

Therefore, we are going to having two special prayer events this month.
  • An Evening of Prayer beginning at 7:00 this Friday, June 6. Join us for a time of seeking God together!
  • A Week of Prayer - 24/7. We'll begin after our Dedication Service on June 22 and pray here at church around the clock for a week. Sign up sheets to pray are located in the entryway.

As we gather to pray, I am reminded of the words of Andrew Murray:

It is prayer that lies at the root of the spiritual life and power of the Church. The measure of continued believing prayer will be the measure of the Spirit's working in the Church.

-Pastor Karl