Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Belonging to Him

This week in our study of Romans 8:14-17 we are going to be looking at what it means to be adopted as God's children. This reality is one of the most transformational truths of the Bible. Sadly, experiences with our earthly parents can cloud our understanding and hinder our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Just what does it mean to be adopted by God? What is God like as our Father? Is it even desirable?

How can we experience (not just understand) this truth?

Join us this week as we dive into one of the most exciting passages of the Bible!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Why Be Committed to a Local Church?

I recently had a conversation with someone who doesn't see the need to attend church. He said that he and God were getting along just fine without being a part of "organized religion." He told me that every time he had gotten involved in a church he discovered that there were people that were difficult to get along with and "hypocrites" that didn't live out what they professed.

It's funny, but as I look back over my years attending church and now pastoring a church, I have to say that one of the major benefits of being committed to a local church is the exact thing he didn't like. I have come to recognize that one of God's purposes in having us commit to being a part of the church is the relationship issues that we will be forced to deal with as we seek to follow God together.

  • There have been times that I have had to learn to love someone that I wouldn't ordinarily spend time with.
  • There have been times that disagreements have forced me to set aside my own opinions to seek God's insight into issues.
  • There have been times that I have been confronted with my own selfishness.
  • There have been times that I have challenged to grow in areas of servanthood and responsibility.
  • There have been times that I have needed to lovingly confront someone who wasn't following God.
  • There have been times that I have been called to join with others in taking a giant step of faith to see the Kingdom built for God's glory.
  • There have been times that I have needed to learn what it really means to forgive others.
  • There have been times that I have had to learn how to wade into someone's world in order to help them learn how to walk with Christ.
  • There have been times that I have had to learn how to submit to authority, even when I disagreed with a decision that was being made.
Sure, my involvement in the church has allowed me to learn about the Bible, develop friends and have a warm sense of belonging to something. The joy of worshipping together can be amazing. The love expressed to me by others has astonished me. The people that God has used to mentor me and help me grow have almost always been people in a church I was a part of.

These are all good things and should be a part of our church experience.

But I am convinced that one of the most overlooked reasons God calls us to be committed to local church is so that we can knock the rough edges off of one another. This doesn't mean that you have a calling to be the church's sledgehammer. It means that as we seek to follow God together we will at times bump into one another and as we do, God wants to refine our character so we will be more like Christ.

When things start to get dicey, when I feel a relationship start to strain, I'm learning to take a step back and ask God questions like "What are you trying to teach me, God?" and "Lord, what do you want me to say or do here?" or "What is your perspective on this, Jesus?"

As I have done this, I'm finding that my rough edges are being rounded off. I've learned that these moments are times when God wants to do some transforming in our lives. I'm discovering that the Lord is at work. Maybe it is me that is being worked on, maybe it is the other person. Usually it is both.

So the next time someone or something bugs you about your church, let me encourage you to spend some alone time asking God what he is up to. I think you will be amazed by what he shows you!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Christian Life

Sin is a word that has been dropped from the vocabulary, yet it is something that affects all of us. Sin (willful disobedience to God's will) generates guilt and shame in our lives, and sends us on a downward spiral of running away from God. Sin, according to the Bible, actually has the ability to enslave us.

Freedom is found only through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Most of you who attend Nashwauk Alliance have discovered that Jesus Christ died to take away our guilt and shame. But have you discovered that Jesus can also take away the bondage that sin causes?

Living a truly Christ-like life doesn't happen the way most people imagine. In fact, many people try to live a "Christian" lifestyle and find themselves failing miserably. That's what Romans 7 is all about.

The truly Christian life is one that is lived in relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit. That's what Romans 8 is all about. Paul makes it clear that we are supposed to live "according to the Spirit" and that we are to "set our minds" on the the desires of the Spirit. As we do so, we discover that God has truly provided everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him (2 Peter 1:3).

Join us this week as we continue to explore what it means to "set our minds on the desires of the Holy Spirit." As we do so, we will discover liberation from the bondage of sin and glorious freedom in Christ Jesus!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Following God in the Midst of a Storm

God has called us as a church to a challenging and exciting task: Helping others discover a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Those "others" include our friends, family members, the people down the block, in the next town, in the next county and beyond the borders of our own nation. In fact, when I ponder the call that God has our church, I'm a little overwhelmed. Throw on top of that the national economic uncertainties that we dealing with and I find myself at a loss to see how things are all going to work out.

I'm sure that you've felt the same things, perhaps about the church or your own household.

That's why I am so glad that what the Lord wants me...and us...to do is simply obey him day by day. The cultivating of that close relationship with Jesus so that we can understand what it is he wants us to do today is important. In fact, its the only certain way to navigate in these tumultuous days.

I find myself pondering the words of Psalm 23:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes my lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

I want you to notice some of the things that the sheep experiences: green pastures, quiet waters, a prepared table, an overflowing cup. These are things that we all desire, but notice that there is also a valley of the shadow of death, the presence of enemies, and evil. These things come as well. The secret to surviving and even thriving is the shepherd. The sheep's responsibility is simply to stay with the shepherd. The shepherd knows what to do, where to go, and how to cause the sheep to thrive.

What a comfort in these days to know that all we need to do is to stick by the shepherd's side, doing what he wants us to do, and he will see that our needs are met and that we will dwell with Him forever.

Friday, September 12, 2008

It Works!

I have always been amazed by people who can build and fix things. Perhaps it is my lack of aptitude, but quality workmanship always impresses me. As I have gotten to know some of the craftsmen in our church and actually tried my hand at a few things myself, I have discovered the importance of having good tools. The right type of saw, a special wrench or a quality power tool, the right tool allows the worker to do a better job faster and with less effort. In fact, the right tool actually allows the the craftsman to focus on doing quality work rather than just trying to get work done.

The right tool is worth the investment. (Can I hear an 'Amen'?)

Over the last year we have been working hard to invest in a new ministry tool: a building. Our old tool had simply gotten to the point where it simply didn't work well any more. We began to see that our tool was hindering our efforts...but would a new tool help?

Wednesday we discovered the joys of having the right tool for the work we are called to do. Instead of battling with the old tool, our new tool seemed almost invisible...and allowed us to focus on the craftsmanship of making disciples. Let me highlight a few things:
  • The Elementary Classes each had their own classrooms...with doors that closed! It may seem like a small thing, but doors didn't exist in their old classrooms and the teachers constantly had to watch for "escapees." Now they can focus on teaching the kids...exactly where they need to focus.
  • The Youth Group - 46 strong Wednesday night - was able to play games and get a little crazy in the fellowship hall without disturbing anyone else. The acoustics of the room also allowed for times of quiet conversations. Their opening in the Sanctuary included video and powerpoint. A cordless microphone allowed the leaders to be heard.
  • The Kitchen - We served our end of the evening snack from the new kitchen. The teachers didn't have to worry about food preparation. The kitchen workers had a great time together getting things ready and clean-up was a breeze.
  • Outside - A major concern at our old facility was the traffic on Central Avenue as we released the kids. With more room inside the building, the kids tend to stay inside until their parents come to pick them up rather than running around outside. This allows us a chance to get to know their parents as well.
I could go on and on...but I am excited about our new "tool" and am eager to see what disciple building projects the Lord has in store for us in the years to come. A tool like this certainly shouldn't go unused.

Pastor Karl

Monday, August 25, 2008

Seeking God First

Last week we had a "Vision Meeting." Now some churches have meetings where the leadership tries to "cast a vision" of what direction the church is going to be taking over the coming months and years. Here at NAC, we usually do something different. We gather for a time of prayer, worship and discussion to try to discern what God wants us to be doing. Through this process new ministries are started, old ones reinforced or laid aside and a sense of unity and anticipation usually fills the night.

Our meeting this summer quickly led us to the conclusion that God want us to make seeking Him a priority. I think that one of the reasons for this focus is that we can very easily develop a sense that we have "arrived" now that we are in a new facility. We can think that we have it all figured out and a sense of pride and complacency can develop.

We need to avoid that at all costs.

Instead, we need to drive a stake in the ground and say that seeking God will be our top priority. We need to take time...extended time...to pray and read the Bible. We need to place our ideas on the altar and give God's ideas the most value. We need to recognize that God does want to lead us and to speak to us by the Word and the Holy Spirit.

We'll be talking about this more in the coming weeks, but for now will you join in this prayer?

Lord, you have called us to seek you, but I find that my hands and mind are filled with the busyness of the times. Lord, I lay down what is in my hands and place my concerns at your feet. I want to learn from you. I want to hear Your voice. I want to spend time in your presence. I want you above all else. Lord Jesus, I am your disciple. Teach me. Help me to set aside time to learn from the Scriptures. Help me hear the voice of your Spirit. Help me to learn to live my life the way you want me to. Mold me into who you want me to be. In Jesus name. Amen.

Pastor Karl

Friday, August 8, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Last night was night 4 of this year's VBS at Nashwauk Alliance.
Our theme this year is "God's Big Backyard" - it is a community service based theme.

Most years we collect money that we send to different missions groups. This year we decided since it was all about serving those around you, that we would instead collect food items that we will be donating to the local food shelf.
At the end of the first 3 nights we had collected about 1/2 of a grocery cart.
I was so moved, when on Thursday night we had to send one of our youth members back to the local grocery store to borrow 2 more carts. We had so many food donations - that we now have 3 heaping carts to donate!! That is still with one night to go!!!!!
The kids really seem to be understanding that we need to help and serve those around us.

Every night a different community member comes and speaks to the kids about what they do to serve our community.
Monday - and Itasca County Sheriff spoke to the kids
Tuesday - we had a nice lady from the Red Cross come speak.
Wednesday - Nashwauk Fire and rescue crew come up with a firetruck, their rescue rig, and an ambulance.
Thursday - We had a retired US Airforce member visit us.
Friday - We are having a missionary come and speak to us.

This kids have enjoyed all of the speakers, and have taken away so much from these lessons!

The week overall seems to have gone quite quickly - so with just one night to go, we will soon begin the countdown to -- Vacation Bible School 2009

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Multi-church Picnic

Hey! This Sunday is going to be a blast! Join us after church up at the Balsam Park for a Church Picnic and Softball game! We'll be joining the Balsam Bible Chapel and the Cloverdale Mennonite Church for an afternoon of fun, food and fellowship.

The Balsam Park is just north of the Balsam Store and is behind the Balsam Community Center. From Nashwauk, take 65 north to County Road 8. Take 8 west to County Road 57 and turn left. Take 57 until it dead ends at Scenic Hwy 7 and turn right. Take 7 past the Balsam Store. The park is on your right. If you get to the Balsam Bible Chapel you went too far.

See you there!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Wrath of God

"If there is a God, then why doesn't he do something about the evil in the world?" I've heard the question many times, particularly from people who scoff at the idea of God. It is hard to watch the inhumanity in the world. The murders, armed rebellions, drug dealing and sexual abuse can make us sick. Why doesn't he do something?

It's ironic that many of the same scoffers mock at the idea that God might actually do something about evil. There was incredible uproar when some preachers speculated that perhaps the destruction of New Orleans was a judgement of God. "God wouldn't do that...he is too loving." Apparently God isn't supposed to do the Sodom and Gomorrah thing anymore. He's supposed to be positive and uplifting all the time, and at the same time "do something" about the wickedness in the world.

I'm not sure whether the hurricane was one of those sad things that happens or if it was the judgement of God. I do know that we are going to learn a lot about God over the next weeks as we dust off the concept of "The Wrath of God" that is found in the next section of Romans (Chapter 1:18-32). Personally, I believe that as we do, we are going to be transfixed by the awesomeness of the God we serve.

Join us for this incredible study of God's character!

Pastor Karl

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Call to Prayer

Over the last several years we have seen God do some pretty incredible things. As I have ponder the "whys" of this, the conclusion that I have come to is that as a church we have really gotten serious about following His leading, regardless of where that takes us. An example of this is the literal weeks that we have spent in prayer.

Over the last months as we have been busy with the necessary work of construction, I have been sensing that we need to return to our "first work" of prayer. We have also seen a number of indications that the enemy has increased his attacks upon the leadership of the church. Key people have suffered a number of injuries and illnesses that are far beyond what might be explained via random chance. In addition, we are entering into a season of ministry and planning for ministry that will impact our church for some time. We need to seek God both alone and together so that we can make sure that we are in step with what the Lord wants us to be doing.

Therefore, we are going to having two special prayer events this month.
  • An Evening of Prayer beginning at 7:00 this Friday, June 6. Join us for a time of seeking God together!
  • A Week of Prayer - 24/7. We'll begin after our Dedication Service on June 22 and pray here at church around the clock for a week. Sign up sheets to pray are located in the entryway.

As we gather to pray, I am reminded of the words of Andrew Murray:

It is prayer that lies at the root of the spiritual life and power of the Church. The measure of continued believing prayer will be the measure of the Spirit's working in the Church.

-Pastor Karl

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Paul writes to the Romans that he is "not ashamed of the gospel." I've always been struck by that idea. Perhaps because my experience is that sometimes I am afraid of the ridicule that following Christ can entail. I feel it occassionally when I am in a social setting with people I've just met and they ask me what I do for a living. I wonder what their reaction will be. I hope that the relationship will continue. Maybe you've been there.

In this passage Paul helps us get over our fear by teaching us that:
  • We will not be ashamed if we really understand what the gospel is.
  • We will not be ashamed if we factor in the power of God.
  • We will not be ashamed if we truly believe the gospel.

I beleive that God will really do an incredible work in our midst over the coming weeks. See you there!

Pastor Karl

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Service at the new building- May 18th, 2008

The first Sunday Worship service at our new location was help on Sunday, May 18th, 2008.

You could tell even before service started that everyone was so encouraged and excited to FINALLY be in the new facility. We had to set up all the extra folding chairs that we could find around the building so there would be enough seating for all of those that were there.

The worship team sounded even better than normal - coming through our new sound system.
Above is a picture to give you a little bit of an idea of what our new sanctuary looks like!

God is so good!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Playing in the Mud

One afternoon a few years ago I was trying to teach my elementary school basketball team the to be more aggressive when they went to rebound. "Jump up, yank the ball out of the air, and roar like a lion!" Corny, I know, but it worked! The players would grab the ball and let out a piercing roar. Such is the power of an image to change the way we see ourselves.

Jesus knew that. He was a master at using word pictures to describe life and our relationships with God and others. One of my favorites is found in John 7:37-38. Jesus said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."

Jesus speaks of a spiritually thirsty person finally coming to Christ. The result is that they will no longer be thirsty. In fact, they will be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. So much so that the Spirit will flow like water out of their lives, presumably watering others.

I was thinking of this image a few weeks ago when the snows were melting and I found myself outside in the driveway doing what I have done every spring for as long as I can remember: playing in the puddles. Actually, I consider it "work" rather than "play." I enjoy taking a stick and running it through the mud so that the water can drain out of the puddles faster. This year, I struck the mother lode when I discovered that Mike's plow and dumped a bunch of dirt near the small culvert on our driveway and an entire corner of our neighbor's yard was flooded. I worked with my stick, pulling away dirt, stones and leaves until finally the water could run down the ditch through the culvert and down into the lake. What fun! Um, I mean work!

I as I was hard at work, I starting wondering what things in life keep the streams of living water from flowing from within. What is the mud that causes puddles to form where there should be streams? While I am sure that there are more, two things came to my mind as I was thinking about this.

First, selfishness can cause me to want to keep my water all to myself. When I see the water as "mine" I will want to keep the blessings to myself. I will, in effect, build a dam to keep the water in rather than allowing it to flow through me.

Second, sinfulness will cause the Lord to close the spigot of water flowing into my life. It is one of the ways that he seeks to get my attention. If his blessing no longer seems to be on what I am doing, then something is wrong. Seriously wrong, and I need to find out what it is that is blocking the flow of the Spirit in my life.

I was excited to find that blocked culvert, but not just because it was fun see the water flowing again. I also knew that if that water sat there long enough, it would become a tremendous breeding ground for mosquitoes. In the same way, if the water stops flowing through us, we will become stagnant and actually become a nuisance to others rather than a blessing.

So, how is the water in your life? Is it flowing or do you have some work to do?

Pastor Karl

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Moment in Time

Occasionally there are events that you wish you could freeze and store forever. This morning was one of those times for me. The final worship service at 318 Central was a incredibly moving experience for me.

I guess it was the fact that so much of our lives have been entwined in the walls of that building. Weekly worship services, week-long prayer meetings, Christmas programs and snak-n-yaks all blended together in a rush of memories that brought tears to my eyes. God has been so good and so faithful over the years.

I especially enjoyed the testimonies of the "old-timers", who talked about the way things were before there was a Sanctuary, about heating the building with wood and ladies sleep-overs. Then again, I appreciated the stories of newcomers being welcomed and becoming a part of our family. We could have listened all day to the things that God has done!

Then again, perhaps it was the theme of the sermon - about being a servant/slave of Christ and surrendering to his agenda that spoke to me (yes, I try to listen to the sermon while I preach).
It set the stage for the moving of the chairs to the new building. As Steve led us in a few songs in the new Sanctuary and Jim led us in prayer, I couldn't help but think about how following Christ involves change and risk. Surrendering to him brings incredible blessings that are frequently beyond anything we can hope or imagine.

Perhaps you have a memory that did not get shared this morning. Why not post a comment and we can all hear your favorite moment at 318 Central?

Pastor Karl

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Servants of Christ

This Sunday we will be starting a new sermon series. We will be working our way through the book of Romans. I am approaching this series with both fear and excitement. Romans is one of my favorite books, but at the same time it is one of the most challenging books in the Bible.

The truth is that as I have considered where to head next in preaching, Romans has always been near the bottom of the list because it can be a little intimidating. As much as I have studied it, I still feel like I'm standing ankle deep in the ocean of what is to be found in the book. It is a book that I treasure, but to stand and expound upon its truth seems beyond my limited abilities.

Over the last several weeks, as I have sought God's direction, the Holy Spirit has clearly spoken to my heart that it is time to start this awesome book. At moments like this I am reminded of two important facts. The first is that I (and we) need to be taught by the Holy Spirit. Book learning and "common sense" simply won't cut it. I need the Holy Spirit's instruction as I prepare each week. The Holy Spirit needs to guide my study, my prayer and my writing.

The second is a truth that is found in the first sentence of the book of Romans. Paul considered himself a servant of Christ. So should we. For me, that means that because the Lord spoke to me that Romans is next, I need to be obedient to that directive and jump in with both feet believing that His guidance, as always, will be true.

Let's together ask God to amaze us as we work our way through this incredible book!

"Romans is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul. It can never be read or pondered too much, and the more it is dealt with the more precious it becomes, and the better it tastes." - Martin Luther, Preface to the Epistle to the Romans, (1522).

-Pastor Karl

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Using Your Gifts for the Kingdom of God

Over the last several days I have been rejoicing to watch people using their gifts to build the Kingdom of God. It's been awesome to see! Here's a few of the things I've noticed:
  • Today the church was filled with grinning ladies gathered to quilt...including doing a quilt for an upcoming baby dedication. Then they were busy working on some decorations for the new building.
  • A talented guy with a passion for men's minsitry is starting a men's group. Everyone involved is pumped up!
  • Some of our servant-hearted women were busy putting a luncheon together for a funeral Sunday afternoon.
  • A youth worker shared the gospel with a bunch of teens over ice cream at the DQ.
  • One of our elders talked to an elderly woman who called looking for money for food. He had the chance to share the gospel and used the Benevolent Fund to purchase groceries.

I could go on and on, but there is something special going on here. I am convinced that as people discover a relationship with Christ and begin to understand their purpose in His Kingdom something special happens: They blossom!

Pastor Karl

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Small Group Bible Studies

I know Pastor Karl has touched on the importance of small group bible studies in the past on his old blog - but I just wanted to touch base on them again.

There are currently 4 bible study groups that i know of based out of our church that are meeting right now. There are even more if you include the great studies that are youth are going through right now. I know too that there is talk of others organizing as well.

My family and I attend a study on Thursday nights - there are 6 of us that have been meeting for about 3 years now! Other people sometimes join us - and anyone is always welcome! When we started this study I of course considered them my friends. But after this long it is more than that - they are like true family to us. One the days that our small children seem out of hand - and make me feel like they are such a distraction to the group, my friends always reassure us that it is no problem and they still want us there.

It is such a joy to gather with these friends every week. Of course there are weeks that we don't hold study for one reason or another, but honestly on those weeks there seems to be something missing. We always know that we can go and share concerns, needs and praises with these people. They know us, love us, and fully understand and share in the pain and joy that we share with them.

If you aren't yet part of a bible study - let me encourage you: FIND ONE! Experience the joy that God wants to show you in the fellowship of other believers in our Lord Jesus Christ!

Kacey O.

Monday, April 14, 2008

New Building here we come!!

This past Sunday, April 13th was more than packed in our current sanctuary. It just helps to show us just one of the reasons that we need more space! After church, we held a congregational meeting to announce 2 things...

#1 -- Our last Sunday service at 318 Central will be May 11th, 2008!
If you have ever called NAC your home we hope to see you there for this special service!! It is sure to be an emotional one as we talk about some of the good old times that were had there. After we are all going to take the chair we are sitting in and bring it up to the the new building on top of the hill.

#2 -- Our first Sunday service "up top" at the new building will be May 18th, 2008!
We are excited to get into the new building and to take on the challenge of filling and even bigger space with more people!! God is so good and we know that he will exceed all of our expectations!

Once we are in the new facility we plan to pick and date and host a church dedication and community open house. As soon as we know that we will post and let you know!

Have a beautiful week!

Kacey O.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spiritual Warfare - Walking with God is not for Wimps

We are in the middle of a sermon series looking at 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. The more I study this passage and its implications, the more I am struck by the fact that true Christianity is not for weaklings. Instead, it requires tremendous courage to deal with the issues in our lives that allow the enemy the opportunity to keep us from knowing God fully.

For me, it means that I am learning a whole new way of thinking about life and problems. It means trying to understand God's perspective and what He wants me to do in each situation I am in. Sometimes this is hard and even a little scary, but in the end I've found that His way always brings greater joy and freedom.

This week we will be talking about how we can know the truth about ourselves, our circumstances, our relationships and about God himself.

Join us...I dare you!

Pastor Karl

Church Meeting on April 13

After the church service on April 13 we will be having a congregational meeting that I'm sure you are going to want to attend. We will be discussing some routine matters of church business, but the item of interest to most of us will be the move to new building. We hope to present to you a move-in date and a plan for getting everything moved!

There's still a lot of work to be done. If you didn't get a chance to fill out a "I want to help by doing...." form last Sunday, be sure to pick one up and turn it in to the church office as soon as you get a chance.

Pastor Karl

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A New Blog

Pastor Karl had an idea that we, as a church, have a blog.

We will try and get different members to submit reviews of recent events and possibly even their testimonies.

March was a very busy month at NAC (Nashwauk Alliance Church). It is an exciting time for all of us!! New committees are being formed and organized. The building project is going full speed ahead - and it still sounds like we are on track for getting up in the new building in the very near future!!

The Trustees have been busy with things up on the building site: especially with painting rooms right now. If you are interested in lending a hand be sure to get in touch with someone on the trustees and they can help you figure out where to get involved!

The Christian Education Committee (CE) met to talk about how we will use the new space once we are in the new building. They also looked over several options for Vacation Bible School (VBS) - and have picked out one called: "God's Big Backyard." It is a curriculum about community service.

On Thursday, March 20th the church had an Easter play title "Eyewitness Good News." It was written and directed by Janet Emerson; and stared Pastor Karl & many other church members. We are sorry if you missed it! It was basically standing room only in our sanctuary and it was both exciting and sad the realize that it will be our last big "production" in our current facility!

There are several great small group bible studies going on right now, including an all Ladies study on Monday nights at the church, & 2 mixed group studies on Thursday nights around the community. By this time next year we hope to have many more small groups organized - so more people can get "plugged in."

I will leave it at that - can't wait to share more very soon!

God Bless

Kacey O.