Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Using Your Gifts for the Kingdom of God

Over the last several days I have been rejoicing to watch people using their gifts to build the Kingdom of God. It's been awesome to see! Here's a few of the things I've noticed:
  • Today the church was filled with grinning ladies gathered to quilt...including doing a quilt for an upcoming baby dedication. Then they were busy working on some decorations for the new building.
  • A talented guy with a passion for men's minsitry is starting a men's group. Everyone involved is pumped up!
  • Some of our servant-hearted women were busy putting a luncheon together for a funeral Sunday afternoon.
  • A youth worker shared the gospel with a bunch of teens over ice cream at the DQ.
  • One of our elders talked to an elderly woman who called looking for money for food. He had the chance to share the gospel and used the Benevolent Fund to purchase groceries.

I could go on and on, but there is something special going on here. I am convinced that as people discover a relationship with Christ and begin to understand their purpose in His Kingdom something special happens: They blossom!

Pastor Karl

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Small Group Bible Studies

I know Pastor Karl has touched on the importance of small group bible studies in the past on his old blog - but I just wanted to touch base on them again.

There are currently 4 bible study groups that i know of based out of our church that are meeting right now. There are even more if you include the great studies that are youth are going through right now. I know too that there is talk of others organizing as well.

My family and I attend a study on Thursday nights - there are 6 of us that have been meeting for about 3 years now! Other people sometimes join us - and anyone is always welcome! When we started this study I of course considered them my friends. But after this long it is more than that - they are like true family to us. One the days that our small children seem out of hand - and make me feel like they are such a distraction to the group, my friends always reassure us that it is no problem and they still want us there.

It is such a joy to gather with these friends every week. Of course there are weeks that we don't hold study for one reason or another, but honestly on those weeks there seems to be something missing. We always know that we can go and share concerns, needs and praises with these people. They know us, love us, and fully understand and share in the pain and joy that we share with them.

If you aren't yet part of a bible study - let me encourage you: FIND ONE! Experience the joy that God wants to show you in the fellowship of other believers in our Lord Jesus Christ!

Kacey O.

Monday, April 14, 2008

New Building here we come!!

This past Sunday, April 13th was more than packed in our current sanctuary. It just helps to show us just one of the reasons that we need more space! After church, we held a congregational meeting to announce 2 things...

#1 -- Our last Sunday service at 318 Central will be May 11th, 2008!
If you have ever called NAC your home we hope to see you there for this special service!! It is sure to be an emotional one as we talk about some of the good old times that were had there. After we are all going to take the chair we are sitting in and bring it up to the the new building on top of the hill.

#2 -- Our first Sunday service "up top" at the new building will be May 18th, 2008!
We are excited to get into the new building and to take on the challenge of filling and even bigger space with more people!! God is so good and we know that he will exceed all of our expectations!

Once we are in the new facility we plan to pick and date and host a church dedication and community open house. As soon as we know that we will post and let you know!

Have a beautiful week!

Kacey O.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spiritual Warfare - Walking with God is not for Wimps

We are in the middle of a sermon series looking at 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. The more I study this passage and its implications, the more I am struck by the fact that true Christianity is not for weaklings. Instead, it requires tremendous courage to deal with the issues in our lives that allow the enemy the opportunity to keep us from knowing God fully.

For me, it means that I am learning a whole new way of thinking about life and problems. It means trying to understand God's perspective and what He wants me to do in each situation I am in. Sometimes this is hard and even a little scary, but in the end I've found that His way always brings greater joy and freedom.

This week we will be talking about how we can know the truth about ourselves, our circumstances, our relationships and about God himself.

Join us...I dare you!

Pastor Karl

Church Meeting on April 13

After the church service on April 13 we will be having a congregational meeting that I'm sure you are going to want to attend. We will be discussing some routine matters of church business, but the item of interest to most of us will be the move to new building. We hope to present to you a move-in date and a plan for getting everything moved!

There's still a lot of work to be done. If you didn't get a chance to fill out a "I want to help by doing...." form last Sunday, be sure to pick one up and turn it in to the church office as soon as you get a chance.

Pastor Karl