Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Small Group Bible Studies

I know Pastor Karl has touched on the importance of small group bible studies in the past on his old blog - but I just wanted to touch base on them again.

There are currently 4 bible study groups that i know of based out of our church that are meeting right now. There are even more if you include the great studies that are youth are going through right now. I know too that there is talk of others organizing as well.

My family and I attend a study on Thursday nights - there are 6 of us that have been meeting for about 3 years now! Other people sometimes join us - and anyone is always welcome! When we started this study I of course considered them my friends. But after this long it is more than that - they are like true family to us. One the days that our small children seem out of hand - and make me feel like they are such a distraction to the group, my friends always reassure us that it is no problem and they still want us there.

It is such a joy to gather with these friends every week. Of course there are weeks that we don't hold study for one reason or another, but honestly on those weeks there seems to be something missing. We always know that we can go and share concerns, needs and praises with these people. They know us, love us, and fully understand and share in the pain and joy that we share with them.

If you aren't yet part of a bible study - let me encourage you: FIND ONE! Experience the joy that God wants to show you in the fellowship of other believers in our Lord Jesus Christ!

Kacey O.

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