Friday, September 12, 2008

It Works!

I have always been amazed by people who can build and fix things. Perhaps it is my lack of aptitude, but quality workmanship always impresses me. As I have gotten to know some of the craftsmen in our church and actually tried my hand at a few things myself, I have discovered the importance of having good tools. The right type of saw, a special wrench or a quality power tool, the right tool allows the worker to do a better job faster and with less effort. In fact, the right tool actually allows the the craftsman to focus on doing quality work rather than just trying to get work done.

The right tool is worth the investment. (Can I hear an 'Amen'?)

Over the last year we have been working hard to invest in a new ministry tool: a building. Our old tool had simply gotten to the point where it simply didn't work well any more. We began to see that our tool was hindering our efforts...but would a new tool help?

Wednesday we discovered the joys of having the right tool for the work we are called to do. Instead of battling with the old tool, our new tool seemed almost invisible...and allowed us to focus on the craftsmanship of making disciples. Let me highlight a few things:
  • The Elementary Classes each had their own classrooms...with doors that closed! It may seem like a small thing, but doors didn't exist in their old classrooms and the teachers constantly had to watch for "escapees." Now they can focus on teaching the kids...exactly where they need to focus.
  • The Youth Group - 46 strong Wednesday night - was able to play games and get a little crazy in the fellowship hall without disturbing anyone else. The acoustics of the room also allowed for times of quiet conversations. Their opening in the Sanctuary included video and powerpoint. A cordless microphone allowed the leaders to be heard.
  • The Kitchen - We served our end of the evening snack from the new kitchen. The teachers didn't have to worry about food preparation. The kitchen workers had a great time together getting things ready and clean-up was a breeze.
  • Outside - A major concern at our old facility was the traffic on Central Avenue as we released the kids. With more room inside the building, the kids tend to stay inside until their parents come to pick them up rather than running around outside. This allows us a chance to get to know their parents as well.
I could go on and on...but I am excited about our new "tool" and am eager to see what disciple building projects the Lord has in store for us in the years to come. A tool like this certainly shouldn't go unused.

Pastor Karl