Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Moment in Time

Occasionally there are events that you wish you could freeze and store forever. This morning was one of those times for me. The final worship service at 318 Central was a incredibly moving experience for me.

I guess it was the fact that so much of our lives have been entwined in the walls of that building. Weekly worship services, week-long prayer meetings, Christmas programs and snak-n-yaks all blended together in a rush of memories that brought tears to my eyes. God has been so good and so faithful over the years.

I especially enjoyed the testimonies of the "old-timers", who talked about the way things were before there was a Sanctuary, about heating the building with wood and ladies sleep-overs. Then again, I appreciated the stories of newcomers being welcomed and becoming a part of our family. We could have listened all day to the things that God has done!

Then again, perhaps it was the theme of the sermon - about being a servant/slave of Christ and surrendering to his agenda that spoke to me (yes, I try to listen to the sermon while I preach).
It set the stage for the moving of the chairs to the new building. As Steve led us in a few songs in the new Sanctuary and Jim led us in prayer, I couldn't help but think about how following Christ involves change and risk. Surrendering to him brings incredible blessings that are frequently beyond anything we can hope or imagine.

Perhaps you have a memory that did not get shared this morning. Why not post a comment and we can all hear your favorite moment at 318 Central?

Pastor Karl

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